Posted by Lori Ayre on August 16, 2004

I'm organizing a panel at CLA on RFID. The panelists will be vendors. The plan is to have a five minute presentation from each vendor and then to use the rest of the time to get them to answer questions we all want answered.

What questions do you have for RFID vendors? Give me your feedback. I'm working on the list and would like to give them an advance copy to ensure they are all prepared to tell us not only what they want us to know but what we want to know!

Also, you RFID vendors out there...get back to me. So far only Library Automation Technologies and Vernon Library Supplies has RSVPd that they'll be on the panel. Checkpoint may have a scheduling problem. But where is everyone else?

On a related note, I just submitted a chapter to Beth Rosenberg, managing editor, for her upcoming book Wireless Privacy: RFID, Bluetooth and 802.11 (Addison-Wesley/Prentice Hall). My thanks to Laura Smart of RFID in Libraries for the referral -- with help from David Dodd).

My chapter addresses library use of RFID. Highlights to follow in future posts.....