Sorters and Self-Check -in Just Make Sense

I've been a very very bad girl. No postings for over a month. Turns out when I'm trying to get a report of some kind written, I can't post a blog entry. It feels like an adulterous act - like I'm cheating on my client. Writing....but not for them.

As always, in writing the report, I learned something. I learned that I could make a very conservative ROI estimate of 9-12 years for not just a a central sortation system for a medium sized library system but also for two or three individual library sorters. That's a lot of automation with a pretty good payback.

What I Told Publishers at the SSP Conference

I recently spoke on a panel for the Society for Scholarly Publishing's Annual Meeting held in San Francisco. I was there to provide the public library perspective. Our panel title was The Extensible Library: Library 2.0 and Patron 2.0. My co-presenters were Matt Goldner of OCLC and Rick Anderson of the University of Nevada, Reno.

I don't have recordings or Powerpoint of my co-presenters...but here are mine:

Slides (PDF)

Developing a Library Technology Plan, Part 1

I've been developing a lot of material for online courses lately and haven't had a chance to post to this blog. So, I thought I might capitalize on my efforts and rework some of the material for this venue. This is installment one from my four week course on Developing a Library Technology Plan. The course is going to be offered again starting in July 10, 2007.